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I feel like I keep saying this but the fall is flying by! I feel like I was just on the beach, and now we are done with Halloween! Between half-marathon training, trips to Minnesota and Las Vegas, and working a few odd jobs, I have not had time to be bored! I still have so much great content I want to share, and the actual writing is my favorite part of blogging. Despite not working full-time, I still have to deliberately carve out time to write. It’s a week into November already, and I am just (finally) sitting down to write my Stuff I love: October post! This post is the second in this series, where I share a few random things that I am loving lately.hover over image to pin for later:
Stuff I Love: October 2016
Jergen’s Natural Glow
It’s no secret I love the sun. I like to sit out reading, taking a nap, or just people watching at the pool and beach. I love to be outdoors playing golf, running, bike riding, or hanging with the kids. I’m lucky that my skin doesn’t burn.
I tan.
Even last week, I ran into a former colleague and the first thing she said to me was “You are so tan”
I get that a lot.
But this is the time of the year when my skin won’t see the sun for months (boo!). A few years ago, I discovered a great way to extend my natural tan as long as possible, by replacing my regular lotion with Jergen’s Natural Glow. Jergen’s Natural Glow is a moisturizer (which I desperately need in the winter anyway) that also has self-tanner in it.

I have never used actual self tanner (or any other non-sun tanning methods). Self-tanner scares me because I always pictured streaky, orange skin instead of an actual tan. I heard that self-tanners can have a bad odor. And that they can rub off on your sheets and linens.
Not the case with Jergen’s Natural Glow. It has a very plain smell. From a scent perspective I much prefer a Bath and Body Works lotion, which I use in the summer months. I’ve also never looked orange or streaky. The lotion absorbs into your skin like your regular moisturizer so rubbing off has never been an issue.
This month I started using Jergen’s Natural Glow again as I only use it in the fall and winter. It’s a little pricier than other lotions and I don’t need it in the summer. Over the years I have used the Target and CVS brands that say compare to Jergen’s and those work the same and cost a dollar or two less.
I do like to have a bit of a tan in the winter, even though no one is really seeing my arms or legs under my sweaters and Uggs! I hate when my skin is pasty and it reminds me that summer will in fact return again!
Trader Joe’s Country Pumpkin Spice Granola
Now let me start by saying I don’t get the mad-craze for all things pumpkin that seem to fill social media come the start of September. I think Pumpkin Spice Lattes are gross and besides a slice of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, I’m over the pumpkin hype.
Last fall I randomly picked up this particular granola at Trade Joe’s. This month, I was excited to see its return to the shelves. This granola only comes out in the fall (duh!). I don’t find the flavor very pumpkin-y (if that makes sense) its just SUPER DELICIOUS.
I buy plain Greek yogurt (usually Trader’s Joe’s brand) and mix in my own fruit. I’m really obsessed with blackberries lately. Then I add this granola. I find this little parfait is a healthy and filling breakfast.
On my last Trader Joe’s trip (I usually shop there 3 times a month) I bought two boxes (FORO). Since we are into November already, and Trader Joe’s does change their merchandise frequently, I think next week I will be that weird lady stocking up on 5, 6, 7 boxes to hoard like a squirrel with acorns. Trust me, go now and pick up a box at Trader Joe’s. Its amazing!
You know how when something random pops up in your Facebook feed, and you click on it and you are like where have you been my whole life? That is how I felt when I first stumbled upon imomsohard!
imomsohard is the brainchild of two LA-based mom-comedians. They use Facebook as their main platform to share their weekly videos. The videos are short, like less than 5 minutes, and they are flipping hysterical. The moms, Kristin and Jen, sit in Jen’s playroom, usually drinking mimosas, just talking about parenthood. It’s hilarious because its so spot on. They tell it like it is, making it relatable but also funny.
Kristin and Jen are both Nebraskans now living in Los Angeles. I LOVE their Midwestern twang and even though they are both professionally trained actresses, you can tell they are just real.
I follow imomsohard on Facebook and watch the videos there. They also have a website, an Instagram and Twitter. Recently, they started doing live comedy shows, mostly in California and I am hoping they come to New York soon! P.S. Please finish reading this post before you click over to their page. You will for sure get sucked into watching all of their videos, because you will. YOU’RE WELCOME.
On Columbus Day, my mom and I took the kids apple picking at an orchard on the East End of Long Island. We proudly came home with THIRTY POUNDS of delicious apply goodness! As of now, they are all gone. My kids love apples!
Now most people, when they gather large quantities of fruit will bake tarts, or pies, or maybe make some applesauce. But no. Not us. My kids ate every last one sliced up. Which makes my love of the IKEA Spritta apple slicer pretty obvious for this month! (Don’t have an IKEA nearby? You can buy many IKEA knick-knacks, including this one, on amazon!)
This little contraption is less than $7 and I’ve had it longer than I can remember. Honestly, it’s held up for years and gets plenty of use. It couldn’t be easier- you stick the apple on the circle and the little nubs hold it in place. Then you push down with the top part, creating perfect slices and leaving the seeds and core in the center.
And if I am going to love a kitchen gadget, you know its dishwasher safe! Another added benefit, besides the ease of cutting up an apple, is that my kids will devour the apple when it is in slices. If I am lazy and give it to them to just bite into, they take four bites off the surface and then throw it out. So if your child is picky with the way food is presented, this could be a good way to make apples more fun and crunchy. Slicing is also perfect for the 6/7 year old in the awkward stage of having no front teeth – that was us last spring!
What are you loving this fall?
Fall Activities your Family Will Love
To keep up with Momma To Go, follow on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.
Quick Link to ALL Stuff I Love posts: HERE
please share.
I love apple slicers also! Great with kids. Thanks for sharing!
I know! such a simple thing that is SO AWESOME!
you are so tan! I’m like casper … hahaha!
its my one vice 🙂
That granola looks delicious! YUM.
it is so good! I dont know why Trader Joe’s doesnt offer something similar year round.
That pumpkin spice granola looks really good! I have always wanted to try ‘pumpkin spice’ flavoured things, but always end up chickening out!
this isnt too pumpkin spicy- i think sometimes pumpkin spice things tend to have that fake taste to them
I love those imomsohard videos! Hysterical!
I know! I love Jen!
Apple slicers are awesome! For some strange reason, as a child, I always felt apple slices tasted better than whole apples, lol.
my kids think so too, i have to say Im the opposite, i like to bite into apples!
I love imomsohard! Hopefully they come to the east coast.
they are coming to Tarrytown in January! I def want to go!
I’m going! (Assuming my client doesn’t go into labor that night)
Jergen’s natural glow is the best!! I’ve stepped away from it for a bit while preggers, since there are mixed reviews about it being bad for baby, but I hope to resume it after baby comes. I love the glow it gives me. Also that granola looks incredible!
yeah i mean the reality is, its chemicals, but I try to limit the stuff like this I use (i dont use alot of lotions and make up otherwise, and I need moisturizer in the winter anyway)
My kids love apple slicers. I also have a peeler, corer slicer that we use when we are doing a lot of apples.
Ooooh thanks for hipping me to imomsohard! It’s gonna be my new favorite thing too! 🙂
they have live shows they are touring. They are coming about 90 minutes from me, holding out for a closer show!
I swear by Jergens – even in the summertime! I’m so pale that it’s nearly impossible for me to get a tan, let alone keep one! It’s definitely an under-rated product that deserves more praise. Great post!
I am definitely guilty of falling for all those Facebook ads that pop up on my page. They know me too well!
That granola from Trader Joes looks tasty!
Tan envy!!
I’m off to see if IKEA sells on Amazon in The UK….Who knew!?
I so wish it was October right now!! I’d be in the car heading to Trader Joe’s for the pumpkin granola. Thanks for sharing! I will keep an eye out for this in the fall.
I love these random fact. I love tanning but do not take it seriously enough. I have this apple cutter – awesome isn’t it!
my kids love apples all year round, we use that thing everyday and we just stick it in the dishwasher!
I love your stuff i love posts. 🙂
Thanks, Fiona!