The post was sponsored by BODYARMOR. As always, all opinions are my own.
Half-Marathon Training Tips
Disclaimer: I have two successful half-marathons under my belt. I am currently training for my third, which is in two weeks. I am not a physician, nor am I a personal trainer. I am just sharing my amateur experience. I hope you realize that if I can do it, so can you!
Half-Marathon Training Tips
Stuff I Love: January 2017
I can’t believe its time for another Stuff I Love post! January has graced us with pretty mild winter weather here in the North East. No complaints about that! Baby girl and I spent five days in Orlando, which was super fun! I’m continuing to train for a half-marathon coming up next month. And I started a more consistent schedule of working one day a week – need to write more about that, its been awesome! And I have picked up some more tutoring students as the kids approached midterms and standardized tests are getting under way!
And I have certainly loved all of that! But on to the good stuff… my January 2017 Stuff I Love.
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Stuff I Love: January 2017
My #1 Fitness Tip!
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My #1 Fitness Tip
Stuff I Love: November 2016
November flew by. I was exceptionally busy trying to settle into my new role as Stay-At-Home-Mom, and Work-at-Home-Mom/blogger. I also got back on the educational horse so to speak and starting subbing at the awesome school I worked at 10 years ago. I also picked up a tutoring student who I am with three times a week. So yeah, keeping busy!
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Stuff I Love: November 2016
AmeriHealth NJ Atlantic City Half Marathon
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Photo credit: akunamatata via / CC BY-ND