Stuff I Love

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I can’t believe its time for another Stuff I Love post! January has graced us with pretty mild winter weather here in the North East. No complaints about that! Baby girl and I spent five days in Orlando, which was super fun! I’m continuing to train for a half-marathon coming up next month. And I started a more consistent schedule of working one day a week – need to write more about that, its been awesome! And I have picked up some more tutoring students as the kids approached midterms and standardized tests are getting under way!

And I have certainly loved all of that! But on to the good stuff… my January 2017 Stuff I Love.

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January 2017 Stuff I Love post. This is Us, Federic Fekkai, Lush and Lululemon!

Stuff I Love: January 2017


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Disney, Travel

Last weekend, baby girl and I took a much-needed break to some warm weather. We spent five days in Orlando, Florida with my cousin and her three kids! Now when people think Orlando, naturally, they think of Disney World. And believe me, Disney World is amazing! And tiring! And expensive! So on this trip we took a mellower jaunt to the Greatest Place on Earth – a character meal at Chef Mickey Brunch! If you are short on time, or funds, checking out a character meal is a great way to experience the park in a more low key way. I highly recommend this, so I am so excited to share my Chef Mickey Review!

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Chef Mickey Review, Chef MIckey Brunch Review character meal at Walt Disney World | Orlando | Florida | Where to eat at Disney World | Character Meal at Disney World | Chef Mickey Dinner | Chef Mickey Breakfast | Chef Mickey Brunch | Disneyworld secrets | Disneyworld planning | Disneyworld dining plan | Orlando Florida vacation | Disney planning tips #Disney #Disneyworld #Orlando #Florida

Photo credit: Michael Kappel via Visual hunt / CC BY-NC

Chef Mickey’s Review

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48 Hours in..., Travel

One of my favorite places to visit is Atlantic City. I love the casinos, the beach, boardwalk, and the cheesy Jersey Shore vibe. I always have fun there. My earliest memory of visiting AC was after my cousins wedding… in 1992! Last October, I ran the 2016 AmeriHealth Atlantic City Half Marathon with that same cousin! My husband even proposed to me in a limo on a surprise getaway to the Borgata!

We have visited AC almost every year during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. In 2011 we took our infant daughter and in 2012, 13 & 15 headed down without kids. This year, I wanted to spend time all together so the four of us headed down for 48 Hours In… Atlantic City.

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48 Hours In... Atlantic City. A winter family getaway to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Where to stay (Tropicana), eat (Cuba Libre, Rainforest Cafe, Angelo's and Country Kitchen) and what to do (mini golf, board walk, aquarium, swim and more!)

48 Hours in … Atlantic City, New Jersey

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Stuff I Love

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small percentage of the sale without any cost to you. I only link to items I truly recommend and I thank you in advance for your support of Momma To Go.


Happy New Year and welcome to my final 2016 Stuff I Love: December edition. I had a great holiday season; I so love that time between Thanksgiving and the New Year. We had some great travels, Maine, North Carolina and Atlantic City but also enjoyed our local festivities. It felt like quite a whirlwind and now onward to 2017!

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What I am loving this last month of the year, December 2016. Star Shower projector (holiday GAME CHANGER), funky chucks and an awesome North Face.

Stuff I Love: December 2016

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I know this is the time of year for the New Year, New Me resolutions. I get it. I love the fresh start of the New Year. I probably should eat a little better in 2017. Cook a little more. Drink less wine & I legitimately am going to try to read more. But as far as fitness goes I’m in a pretty good groove. In 2016 I ran two half marathons (the Long Island Half Marathon and the AmeriHealth Atlantic City Half). I ran countless 5Ks, the Bellmore Striders 4th of July 4 miler, and the New Hyde Park 8K. I consistently worked out at least three times a week. But it’s taken me years to get into my workout groove. And today I am going to share with you my NUMBER ONE fitness tip for staying active.

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My #1 Fitness Tip | Fitness | How to lose weight | Workout Strategies | Half Marathon Training | How to stay healthy | Fitness Motivation | Fitness Inspiration | Weight Loss Tips | Weight Loss Motivation | Workout Plan | Workout Motivation | New Year's Resolutions | Fitness Goals | Best Fitness Tip #Fitness #Weightloss #Healthy

My #1 Fitness Tip

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About Me, Travel

Recently, I have seen some other travel bloggers putting together both 2016 travel recaps and 2017 travel resolutions, and I figured what a fun way to look back at the year and all of the great trips we have done! And of course I have a few adventures I am excited about in 2017! I only just launched this blog in October, and did not get an opportunity to write about everything we did in the first three-quarters of the year! So without further adieu… I give you the Momma To Go 2016 Travel Recap!

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2016 Momma To Go Travel Recap! Florida, Maine, North Carolina, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Two Half-Marathons and a look ahead to 2017

2016 Momma To Go Travel Recap


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48 Hours in..., Travel

My mother-in-law lives in Maine. Up in an area called the Mid-Coast. Her house is up on a hill, and down below is the beautiful town of Belfast Maine right on the Penobscot Bay. Belfast is about 2 hours northeast of Portland and about an hour due east of Augusta. We have been to this area countless times – in the spring, summer and fall, so I am so excited to share with you all the great things to do in Belfast Maine.

The Best Things to do in Belfast Maine. 48 Hours in Belfast, Maine. Explore the mid-coast of Maine. Where to stay, where to eat, and what to do in this quaint New England town. #FamilyTravel #Maine #BelfastMaine #NewEnglandtravel #MaineTravel #MidCoastMaine

Things to do in Belfast Maine

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Hawaii, Travel

In case you haven’t realized, we love to travel! And the question I often get is how we can afford to do so many great things? Especially with regards to our three-week trip to Hawaii. Well as always, I managed to plan this vacation to Hawaii on a budget, and I’m excited to share my best Hawaii money saving tips with you.

Hawaii on a budget

How to Vacation to Hawaii on a Budget

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I love a good road trip.

Seriously, I keep saying that in my next life, I’m coming back as a truck driver.

It’s true. I love the adventure of getting in the car and just going. Freedom.

And a Cracker Barrel along the way.

But even for the most seasoned driver, and road tripping family, there are long stretches of time that need to be occupied in some way. Now of course we live in modern America. The default car ride activity for my children is movies. We have this portable DVD player, which I love! There is one movie and two screens that strap around the front row headrests. It plugs into the cigarette lighter-type outlet in the car.


PRO-TIP: Take out movies from your local library. That way you can have a ton of options on a long trip. Just check the discs before you leave to make sure they are not scratched.


But when the movie runs out, and there are still miles to go, we do have some favorite family road trip games that I am excited to share with you!


Family Road Trip Games

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The best road trip games your family will love! No planning or assembly required!

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Stuff I Love

I know I keep saying this, but I literally just sat down to write last month’s post and here it is time for a November Stuff I love!

November flew by. I was exceptionally busy trying to settle into my new role as Stay-At-Home-Mom, and Work-at-Home-Mom/blogger. I also got back on the educational horse so to speak and starting subbing at the awesome school I worked at 10 years ago. I also picked up a tutoring student who I am with three times a week. So yeah, keeping busy!


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Stuff I Love: November 2016. The Mom Hour (podcast), Under Armour fleece running headband, Bath and Body Works Balsam candle and Chateau Saint Michelle Chardonnay.

Stuff I Love: November 2016

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