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Spring is here and March was a great month! I went to North Carolina for a long weekend to celebrate Grandpa’s 105th birthday, and then spent a week in Italy to ring in my 40th. Little man turned 8 and well, spring in the air!
Here is what I have been loving this month:
Stuff I Love: March 2017
I have studied Italian for years. In Middle school, high school, and in college! I even have taken evening classes as an adult, in addition to having LIVED in Rome for six months! You would think I’d be super great at Italian.
Sadly, I am not.
Now with all the access to foreign media the Internet brings, I should do more to keep up. Before our trip to Italy, my sister introduced me to the app, Duolingo (you can also use the website). She speaks really well, but like me, wanted to brush up on our language before our trip.
This app is free, and I have not seen any in-app purchases. When you download it, you can do a pre-test to assess your level so you can start at an appropriately challenging place. Then you work through each lesson, which takes about 5-10 minutes. You are asked to translate, speak, and answer multiple-choice questions. You can set the app to remind you to practice each day, and you can create a CLUB where you compete against friends.
Even though I am back from Italy, I would like to continue to keep up with my language skills via this app. Any other hints for practicing your foreign language skills?
Read more about my trip to Italy here:
Big Little Lies
It’s funny because I really don’t watch a ton of TV, but when I get into a series, I get so immersed. Last summer, I read the book, Big Little Lies, as it was a book club selection that became one of my favorites. I had also enjoyed What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarity so I kinda had a feeling I would like this book. When I saw Big Little Lies was being turned into an HBO Limited Series, I knew I had to watch!
Big Little Lies is about a group of families, all of who have first graders in the same class at a ritzy Monterey, California public school. The book was set in Australia but the TV location change seemed appropriate, and they follow the book’s story pretty closely otherwise. I love the actresses, Shailene Woodley, Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman who play the main characters. I also love the houses the show is filmed in and the scenic California coast. The music has also been so spot-on!
Sadly, on April 2 the finale is airing (and I know how it ends, since I read the book) but you can catch up on HBO on Demand, or HBO Go. If you haven’t I highly recommend reading the book, then watching the series.
I tend to shy away from mixing Facebook with shopping, but I was so intrigued by LuLaRoe because people seem to be gaga over them! So this month I decided to join a LulaRoe party and start shopping!
And the leggings do live up to the hype! They are awesome! I wear them all the time. They really are super soft and comfortable.
I then joined another pop-up and purchased some leggings as a gift, leggings for my 5 year old daughter, a dress for her as well (Mae), and a T-shirt for me (Classic). All the stuff is really great and baby girl especially LOVES her LuLaRoe. The kids’ leggings costs $23, which is more than I usually spend on her clothes but they are size 2-8 so I suspect she will wear them for a few seasons.
One thing I did learn the hard way was to check the fine print for each consultant. The prices of the items seem to be the same, but the shipping and return policies might differ. I received free shipping on my first pair of leggings- they were $25 and that was the promotion the consultant was having. I then paid over $7 for shipping on my larger order, which friends later told me was way too much, especially for the amount I was buying. So be sure to read each consultant’s policies, usually in a pinned post in their group.
I do have my eye on a maxi for summer and maybe another T. It is fun to peruse the albums on Facebook and it is so easy to just claim SOLD on an item. I will warn you, you might get Lula addicted!
I am so glad April is here, and I am looking forward to my kids’ spring break. We have an overnight planned and will take a bit of a stay-cation, exploring our area. What have you been loving this March? Are you addicted to LuLaRoe? And what is the best way to keep up with my Italian?
PLEASE follow along on social media!  Twitter, Facebook and  Pinterest.Â
Quick Link to ALL Stuff I Love posts:Â HERE
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I still haven’t tried on any luluroe! Probably the only woman in the country. 😉
Thank you for your thoughtful stuff you love post! I love seeing what others are obsessed about at the moment. And I would be so happy to go to Italy just to try out that app! Any excuse!
Thank you for sharing about Duolingo! We visited Paris, Barcelona, & Rome last month for the first time & we are already dreaming of returning to Paris in the near future. I told my husband I would learn (some) French before we returned, but have yet to start. I’m definitely going to start using Duolingo! Thanks!! <3
I think Paris and Barcelona are places I want to head next (in Europe). My kids are learning Spanish and my son uses Duolingo too (i should have mentioned that in the post)
I just recently (as in two weeks ago) went to my very first Lularoe party. I am still not quite sure how I feel, I am a pretty basic/solid style kind of person and the leggings kind of scare me, I got one pair (for free) and I purchased a shirt. I LOVE the shirt and I am way more comfortable with print tops, but I have not been brave enough to wear my leggings out in public yet, but they are the absolute softest material I have ever felt and I do enjoy lounging around the house in them!
Ive yet to get into Big Little Lies or Lularoe but everyone raves about both so I think I am definitely missing out!
I just watched the finale, its really good. There are only seven episodes, but Im pretty sure you have to have HBO
I must try that app!
I’m right there with you with Big Little Lies! I am proud to say I have my husband hooked on it too haha I’ve heard the book is great too! have been meaning to check it out.
Thanks for sharing these items. I haven’t tried LulaRoe yet. But, I’ve seen several friends and other bloggers who have.. LuLaRoe is on my list. I also want to read Big Little Lies and watch the show.
I really want to try that app! What an awesome suggestion 🙂 And I didn’t know that Big Little Lies had such an amazing cast!! I don’t watch much TV but might have to slot that in! I loved the book.
Love your favorite hits for the month! Love that app that you recommended. I need to download it for my husband! Haha and I’ve only heard good things about Big Little Lies. Have to check it out now!
I’m two episodes in to Big Little Lies and I’m really enjoying it. I haven’t read the book yet so it’s all a surprise to me.
oh i am so the same way about series. i’m going to try big little lies!
Love for you to check out my post: http://www.jessicadevlindesign.com/home/2017/3/12/the-ultimate-guide-to-styled-shelves
Love me some leggings!!! And of course pretty little liars ?
I want to check out DuoLingo! I took MANY years of Spanish and can speak somewhat conversationally, but would LOVE a refresher! Thanks for sharing!
I loved the series Big Little Lies! So good! We just finished 13 reasons why on netflix, and it is awesome too.
I am also a big fan of Duolingo! It has been such a fun way to pass time.
I need to get netflix…
I love Duolingo! I’ve been using it for a couple years to better learn Spanish and it rocks! Thanks for sharing!
I’m a dual language teacher, and my kids LOVE using Duolingo to learn new vocabulary. It’s such a great resource to have!
And I haven’t bought any LuLaRoe yet, but girl… every day I want to a little bit more. Their clothes are SO soft!
I’m definitly going to check out Duolingo. And Lularoe I.love.it. the leggings and perfect Ts are my favorite.