Transitional Season Family Packing Essentials
I’m sure you have seen all the memes, the anticipation of the #PSL (personally, I am not a fan) and friends rushing off to Trader Joe’s for all things pumpkin!
Then there are folks like me, who love the heat. And summer. Days spent at the beach and pool. For me fall, is trying to hang on to an extension of my favorite season. Hoping for that warm weather to continue way into October. In fact, #SeptemberIsStillSummer is one of my favorite hashtags!
But one “fall” activity that I do dig is apple picking! It’s one of my favorite yearly traditions. And I say, “fall” in quotes because honestly if you wait too late into September, all the apples will be gone!
Since moving to Long Island, our favorite place to pick is Lewin Farms. And since I have also seen so many “What are the best places to pick apples on Long Island” posts, I figured I’d answer that question and help many families start some new traditions of their own!
So today’s guest post is about layovers with kids, and how to handle them with (or without) little ones. The writer is Alex who blogs at Inspire a Better Life. He lives in Sydney, Australia.
I turned off the lukewarm water and stepped out of the shower. I really thought a quick rinse would make me feel better. Twelve hours in the 100-degree Disneyland heat will wear you down and I was a sweaty mess.
Friday night I went to bed feeling slightly cleaner, but still a bit dizzy. A little nauseous. I fell sleep thinking about the next day’s drive to San Diego.
I tossed and turned through the night – nothing new to me on this California trip. The combo of hotel pillows and jetlag meant I was rolling over every couple of hours. Except tonight, each roll gave me the spins. I felt like I was intoxicated. Which was ironic, because Disneyland doesn’t even serve alcohol and this was the first night on the weeklong vacation that I hadn’t drank wine! I was exhausted from a long day at the park, but stone cold sober.
I woke up on Saturday, stood up and felt like the floor was spinning. I barely made it to the bathroom. I immediately knew I was not well. I looked at the clock.
Right now we are definitely in the “Sunday” of the summer. We have less than 20 days of camp, about 4 more weeks until school begins, and I know in other parts of the country, school has started or is about to start. I can’t believe its August already!
July was filled with lots of fun for the Momma To Go Family – a trip to Atlantic City to celebrate the Fourth, many hours spent at the beach and pool, and a great first session of camp! I have somehow managed to keep up this blog by working on it in the mornings, evenings, and weekends. And I am especially thankful for all the great guest posts I have had this month.
I know for me, family travel does not always mean me and my kids. As you know I went to Italy last March with a few of my favorite family members – my aunt, uncle and sister. And for some folks, friends mean family (kinda like #thegirlfriends). So whoever you hold near and dear, plan a trip, but here are some awesome tips for traveling with extended family:
If you have never been, Atlantic City is located about 90 miles south of New York City and about an hour east of Philadelphia. There is a small airport nearby, but is most easily accessed by car. Atlantic City is a boardwalk town on a barrier island, meaning there is an ocean beach to the east and a bay to the west. One of the big attractions is the casinos, but especially in recent years the big hotels have begun to offer other amenities besides gaming. And in the summer, the beach is always fun! So come with me for ANOTHER 48 Hours in… Atlantic City.