Momma To Go would like to thank the Edgewater for hosting us for a tour, lunch and a day exploring their grounds. As always, opinions are all my own.
Momma To Go would like to thank the Edgewater for hosting us for a tour, lunch and a day exploring their grounds. As always, opinions are all my own.
Not local? No problem, take these ideas and look for similar experiences in your area. Need help finding something , reach out in the comments!
On December 25, 2017, Santa came down our chimney and left this under tree for baby girl:
And in her stocking, baby girl found this:
Talk about making a 6-year old girl’s Christmas wish come true! TIMES 2!!!!!
Baby girl was super excited to receive her Maryellen doll (and a starter wardrobe for her American Girl). And I, always up for an adventure, was pretty excited about heading to Afternoon Tea at the American Girl NYC Cafe!
Baby Girl and I would like to thank American Girl for hosting us to facilitate this honest review. As always, opinions are all my own.
And just maybe she will convince me that this is the year to in fact take little man to the slopes!
Image via Flickr by Spirit-Fire
Not just limited to Tuscany or Napa, you can find vineyards in many pockets of the United States. Without kids, hubby and I love to sneak away to our favorite local wineries for a night or two. We will leisurely visit several tasting rooms, followed by dinner at a nearby farm-to-table restaurant. Areas that serve vineyards tend to have great restaurants featuring local wines. Look to stay in a cute inn or Bed and Breakfast. Again, I love traveling with my little ones, but these types of accommodations tend to be for adults only!
Casinos have popped up all over the country, and many have hotels attached or nearby. Gambling is a fun, obviously adult-only activity, but gaming is not the only thing to during a casino trip. Casinos usually have great restaurants, nightlife, and shows. Many have shopping areas as well. You may be able to find a spa or indoor pool — and the best part? No little ones!
I live right outside New York City. A few times a year, we do take our kids to Manhattan for a museum visit or a show. But escaping to the urban jungle without the strollers, not having to wrangle kids on public transportation, and not dealing with little ones whining about having to walk, makes an awesome adult-only trip! Book a night at a boutique hotel and the city is your oyster. Have a long, boozy lunch, hit the shops, or take in a grown-up museum or show. End the night listening to live music or staying out as late as you want!
If you can sneak away for more than one night, consider booking a trip to the parental promised land — an adults-only resort! That’s right, there are holiday destinations where kids are NOT ALLOWED! I honestly cannot think of a better way to truly unwind and decompress from our beloved parenting duties than to sit poolside with a frozen drink and a good novel. Enjoy a fancy meal without having to be home early to relieve the babysitter! Sleep in, be active — or not. A true break from being around children sounds like a wonderful vacation! And the best part… some real time to yourself will give you a chance to miss your little ones.
No matter what adults-only trip you choose, remember this one last important tip — be sure to bring back a little something for the kids AND for your trusted caregiver! These trips away are important for we parents to reconnect with our partner and recharge our batteries! Bon voyage!
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Despite a crazy, three-week long sickness, and working my tail off in the later part of this year, 2017 has been very good to me. Especially travel-wise. Which is definitely not coincidental. I have been on a mission to create the life I want to live – doing things I enjoy both personally and professionally. Which certainly includes the flexibility to be on the go!
Work-wise I continued to grow my math tutoring business, I worked all summer at camp and had the best time! Writing and creating this site has taught me so much, and I hope to really expand Momma To Go in 2018. My plan is to set some goals and get myself in a better working schedule balancing writing, social sharing and updating old posts. I’ve been learning more and more about SEO and hope to do some writing outside of Momma To Go!
Last year, at this same time, I recapped my 2016 travel year. A year, which brought a three-week trip to Hawaii, was hard to top, but we tried! So here is my 2017 Travel Year in Review!