The Best Indoor Activities on Long Island

Not local? No problem, take these ideas and look for similar experiences in your area. Need help finding something , reach out in the comments!
The Best Indoor Activities on Long Island
2017 Travel Recap
Despite a crazy, three-week long sickness, and working my tail off in the later part of this year, 2017 has been very good to me. Especially travel-wise. Which is definitely not coincidental. I have been on a mission to create the life I want to live – doing things I enjoy both personally and professionally. Which certainly includes the flexibility to be on the go!
Work-wise I continued to grow my math tutoring business, I worked all summer at camp and had the best time! Writing and creating this site has taught me so much, and I hope to really expand Momma To Go in 2018. My plan is to set some goals and get myself in a better working schedule balancing writing, social sharing and updating old posts. I’ve been learning more and more about SEO and hope to do some writing outside of Momma To Go!
Last year, at this same time, I recapped my 2016 travel year. A year, which brought a three-week trip to Hawaii, was hard to top, but we tried! So here is my 2017 Travel Year in Review!
2017 Travel Recap:
Happy Holidays!
Just popping in to wish you and your family the happiest of holidays!
I plan to do a full 2017 recap next week (and look back at this year’s travel goals) while thinking ahead to 2018. But I am excited to see a full return to blogging after the new year. You might have noticed its been a little quiet around here these past two months!
Things to Do in Santa Cruz California
There was a site location in Honolulu, Hawaii.
So I applied for that.
And I was hired!
But when my paper work arrived, no Hawaii. I was slated to work somewhere in California called Santa Cruz.
Figuring I must have put California as my second choice site location, I then needed to figure out where the heck Santa Cruz was! Little did I know I would be spending the best three summers of my life in this funny, California beach town.
Last August I finally returned to this town I loved. I could not wait to revisit, reminisce and bring my kids to Santa Cruz. And I am beyond excited to share all the great food, hotels and things to do in Santa Cruz with the Momma To Go readers!
24 Hours in… Santa Cruz, California
3 Reasons to visit Melbourne with Kids
Oh but a trip to Oz is always on my mind. And we will get there someday! I want to dip my feet in the Indian Ocean, experience the Outback and lay on the beaches of the Gold Coast. And no trip to Australia would be complete without venturing to the big cities! Since I still haven’t been, Claire (Australian native) is sharing with us her top 3 reasons to visit Melbourne with kids.
Photo credit: 3B’s via Visualhunt / CC BY
3 Reasons to Visit Melbourne With Kids
Great Wolf Lodge Southern California
Quote by Susan Sontag, but it pretty much sums up my life! And since I have not been everywhere… yet, I am so excited to have Nancy, from Miles for Family sharing her review of Great Wolf Lodge Southern California with the Momma To Go readers!
Photo credit: knitsteel via / CC BY-SA
Great Wolf Lodge Southern California
Ninjago Days at Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
On both of our Legoland visits we were able to visit new Ninjago exhibits. In Florida, the Ninjago ride has JUST opened, and it proved to be one of our favorites! At LDC, the giant play area has recently been revamped into a Ninja theme! Modeled after the Temple of Airjitzu, the attraction’s new LEGO® Ninjago City Adventure play structure puts guests’ physical skills to the test with more than 20 interactive features including a vortex spinning barrel, a spiral slide of lights, lightning buzzer bars, crisscross maze, vertical rope climb and more, as they fight to save Ninjago City.
Today we were super excited to return to the Legoland Discovery Center for their LEGO Ninjago Days!
photo credit: LDC Westchester
Momma To Go would like to thank the Legoland Discovery Center for hosting us. As always, all opinions are my own.
Apple Picking at Lewin Farms
I’m sure you have seen all the memes, the anticipation of the #PSL (personally, I am not a fan) and friends rushing off to Trader Joe’s for all things pumpkin!
Then there are folks like me, who love the heat. And summer. Days spent at the beach and pool. For me fall, is trying to hang on to an extension of my favorite season. Hoping for that warm weather to continue way into October. In fact, #SeptemberIsStillSummer is one of my favorite hashtags!
But one “fall” activity that I do dig is apple picking! It’s one of my favorite yearly traditions. And I say, “fall” in quotes because honestly if you wait too late into September, all the apples will be gone!
Since moving to Long Island, our favorite place to pick is Lewin Farms. And since I have also seen so many “What are the best places to pick apples on Long Island” posts, I figured I’d answer that question and help many families start some new traditions of their own!
Layovers With Kids
So today’s guest post is about layovers with kids, and how to handle them with (or without) little ones. The writer is Alex who blogs at Inspire a Better Life. He lives in Sydney, Australia.