
Over Christmas break, I wanted to take the kids into the city to see the tree in Rockefeller Center. But I also wanted to do something else, something new (new to us at least) and different. I looked into the three pop-ups that are currently going on, Candytopia, Color Factory and the Trolls Experience. Honestly, we went to Trolls because it was the one of the three that wasn’t sold out for our date and it was close to Rockefeller Center. We had a great time at the Trolls Experience NYC and I’m excited to share our review with you.

The Trolls Experience NYC - a full review of the trolls experience in New York City and is it worth the high price tag? NYC pop-up, Fun things to do in NYC with Kids #Trolls #NYC #KidsActivities #TrollsExperience #TrollsMovie

Trolls Experience NYC

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