About Me

Liebster Award https://www.mommatogo.com

I am so excited to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Michelle of the blog, Sage Creek Meadow. I met Michelle through a blogging group, and she is such a supportive and collaborative blogger. Plus she has SEVEN kids! And somehow makes it all look easy!

Plus, these “awards” are just a great way to get to know more about the person behind the pen, I mean, computer! I love reading the answers to peoples questions. Last month I participated in the Sunshine Blogger award, which you can read about here.



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About Me

sunshine blogger award mommatogo.com

I stumbled up Wellington World Travels through a Travel Blogger Facebook Group I am a part of. I clicked the link to this story on Why Traveling with Kids with is Worthwhile, and was immediately sucked in to their posts. Handel and Carmen are ex-pats, living in Qatar with their super adorable son, Charles. I love that they admit they love to share their travels, but aren’t too keen on lots of writing, so they do what they know- share their love of the world through beautiful photographs.

I am so honored to be nominated by them for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

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